Thursday, April 17, 2008

my interveiw

What motivated you to do this specific painting?
Since the 9th grade i have been overwhelmed by the amount of work that teachers give me. So when i thought about doing a project about the school i thought why not discuss what demonstrate the different things that was piled on me.

What have you done so far and are you happy with it?
So far i have sketch the middle section of the painting and i have also started on of the thought bubbles i think that the center picture can be more develop that what it is right now.

How are those past memories connect to your present?
I am trying to draw thought bubbles of what i remember from all of my years in high school. If i can not remember all of them than its okay because i can always put a memory from this year. so i will try to connect my past hard subject with new ones.

What memories have you started painting?
I have not began to paint any of the memories yet but i have develop the main focus of them. i have come up with graph for the subject of math. i came up with a quote for English.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Goals for Spring Break

1.Finish the sketch on the canvas board.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

weekly reflection

this week my goal is to sketch more of the painting on to the canvas board this is a really hard goal because i do have a lot of parts to this painting and it is diffucult trying to complete them in a timely manner.

weekly reflection

My goals that i want to have plan for my project is simple. My first goal is to come up with a actual sketch of the painting. i do believe this is the hardest part because i am not the best artist. My second goal is to figure the cost of the canvas board and how many that i will need. My third is figuring a goal sheet of times that i want to have the work done by this is so i don't become overwhelmed by the project. These are my goals that i hope to complete by Tuesday and i hope to get them done.